Need URGENT Support?

Only use this support form if you truly require urgent support

  • I need help URGENTLY!

***STOP! Read this before you proceed!***

This support form is to be used only for URGENT cases in which case we will do everything possible to resolve it for you ASAP.

What qualifies as an urgent case? Here are some examples:
  • Your website is down (and you need it back up urgently!)
  • You are in the middle of a launch, and losing paying clients because something is not working properly
  • Your email is not working and you need it fixed immediately
  • You must publish/change/update something and getting an error or can’t figure out how to do it and it can’t wait
  • Any other case where you need immediate tech help and it truly cannot wait a few hours or for Monday (if this is the weekend)
What does NOT qualify as an urgent case? Here are some examples:
  • You encountered an issue with your website and require some help/guidance
  • You have an issue with your website or email, but it is not truly urgent and can be taken care of in the next 24 hours or on Monday (if this is the weekend)
  • You have a question about billing/products etc.
  • You want our help with something and although you want to hear back from us ASAP, it does not qualify as an urgent matter, so you are OK with waiting until someone on our team gets back to you during normal support hours
If your situation is truly urgent, please proceed by filling out the form below and provide all the information we need to help.
If your situation is not urgent and can wait for normal support hours, please use our regular support form instead.


Is your website hosted with us?

Make it easy for us to help you by explaining exactly what the issue is, what you need help with, what you have done already etc. You can record a video and share it (watch this to see how:

Please provide step-by-step instructions on how we can find/see/recreate/replicate the issue you are experiencing, so we can easily locate it, investigage it further and resolve it.

Please provide step-by-step instructions on how we can find/see/recreate/replicate the issue you are experiencing, so we can easily locate it, investigage it further and resolve it.

Accepted file types: jpg|jpeg|jpe,png,class,docm. Max. file size: 2 MB

    Accepted file types: tiff|tif,asf|asx,mov|qt,mpeg|mpg|mpe,ogv,3g2|3gp2,txt|asc|c|cc|h|srt,rtx,css,wav,class,pot|pps|ppt,wri,docm,odp,odf,wp|wpd,key,svgz. Max. file size: 2 MB

      13 + 8 =



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