The Trifecta Bootcamps (FREE)

How to Turn Your Website, Course & Funnel Into a Well-Oiled Sales Machine using the Trifecta Process™

Join The Trifecta Bootcamps Now for FREE

Join Neta as she shows you exactly how to propel your online business by learning her No Hassle Trifecta Process™ and using it on your website, your course and your sales funnel (even if you don’t have any of them ready yet!).

The Trifecta Bootcamps:

FREE Bootcamp #1:

Your Website (July 8-10)

FREE Bootcamp #2:

Your Course (July 22-24)

FREE Bootcamp #3:

Your Funnel (Aug. 5-7)

Join The Trifecta Bootcamps Now for FREE

By the end of these 3 Bootcamps you will:


Have a clear strategy of how to use your website, course and sales funnel to work for you (and not the other way around!) to get you clients and make you money


Know exactly the steps you need to take and the tools you need to use to execute your strategy


Take significant, measurable and effective actions to create the momentum you need to propel your business forward in a meaningful way

Reduce (or even ditch!) your overwhelm, and grow your confidence by finally having clarity and a plan you can actually implement
I will share with you the most important things you need to know, do, use and execute to get your online business to work for you, with zero fluff and at zero cost to you! That’s right, it’s 100% free.

Why am I doing it?

For 3 reasons:


Reason #1:

I love love love teaching and sharing what I know from my 20+ years as a serial entrepreneur and my work with over 3000 online entrepreneurs like yourself through No Hassle Website. If you know me, you know this is just how I am wired.

Reason #2:

A big part of the No Hassle business model and my life philosophy is giving and serving my community. It’s good for the soul and for business, and I don’t mess with something that has been working so well for me for so long :-).

Reason #3:

At the end of each of the 3 Bootcamps (Your Website, Your Course, Your Funnel), I will share with you one of my No Hassle products that relates to the Bootcamp work we will be doing. You do NOT have to buy anything to still benefit tremendously from the Bootcamp and use all the knowledge and information I will give you. Purchasing anything at the end of the Bootcamp is entirely optional and up to you to decide.

Join The Trifecta Bootcamps Now for FREE

The Trifecta Bootcamps are perfect for you if:

You have been “working on” working on your website, or on your course or on your sales funnel for months and months…
You have a website but it’s just not doing it for you (it’s not bringing in clients and/or doesn’t reflect you and your business)
You have a great course idea but haven’t taken action or not sure where to even start
You have already invested a lot (money/energy/time) in building your online business, but you are making little or no money from it
You don’t have a working sales funnel in place to repeatedly turn prospects into paying customers
You are overwhelmed by all the different pieces and things you need to know and do in your online business, and you want clarity and guidance

And if you need one more reason…

You’ll do all of this with the support, encouragement and help of other like-minded solopreneurs who all share the same goals as you

This is how The Trifecta Bootcamps work:

There are 3 separate Bootcamps, and each of them is 3 days long:

Bootcamp #1:

Your Website (July 8-10)

Bootcamp #2:

Your Course (July 22-24)

Bootcamp #3:

Your Funnel (Aug. 5-7)

Every day of each of the 3-day Bootcamps, will include a daily email, a daily FB live with me in the Trifecta Bootcamps Facebook Group, and a daily assignment for you to complete.

You should set aside about an hour a day each day of the Bootcamp to complete the necessary work, and don’t worry if you can’t join the daily FB live, as you can always watch the replay at a more convenient time of the day if needed.

Join The Trifecta Bootcamps Now for FREE

...I don’t have an hour a day to complete the daily assignments?
No worries! You can do the daily assignments at your own pace and time. When you sign up, you will receive the daily emails and have access to the daily FB live replay and daily assignment in the Facebook group, so you can come back to them later while the Facebook group is open. However, remember that a big part of joining the Bootcamps in real time is working alongside other wonderful solopreneurs and sharing your work, struggles and ideas with them as well as getting gentle, constructive feedback, through our awesome closed Facebook group.
...I don’t like the Bootcamps after I have started?
Then just don’t do it! I am not twisting your arm here and it is completely FREE so you have nothing to lose! But I am pretty confident you will quickly realize the impact it can have on your mindset and business and will love it!
...I only want to join one of the Bootcamps and not all 3?
That’s fine!When you sign up for the Trifecta Bootcamps, you automatically get registered to all 3 Bootcamps, but you don’t have to participate in all of them, if you don’t want to! (Although, after you get the taste of the first one, I am pretty sure you will want to come back for more!)
...I don’t have a website/course/funnel yet?
That’s not a problem! The Trifecta Process™ that I will be sharing with you during each of the Bootcamps will give you the plan, the steps and the tools you need to be able to implement the most effective course of action to where you are NOW. If you already have a website, for example, you will be able to improve it. If you don’t yet have a website, for example, you will know what and how you need to proceed to create one. It doesn’t matter at what point you are with your online business and what assets you already have (website/course/funnel) – The Trifecta Bootcamps will show you how to turn your website, course & funnel into a well-oiled sales machine.

What do you say?

Join The Trifecta Bootcamps Now for FREE

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Turn Your Website, Course & Funnel Into a Well-Oiled Sales Machine using the Trifecta Process™

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